apl. Prof.
Dr. Salvatore R. Manmana |
Research Interests:
My research treats recent topics in theoretical condensed
matter physics, more specifically in quantum many body
systems. These strongly correlated
quantum systems are investigated at equilibrium (e.g.,
exotic properties at very low temperatures) and
out-of-equilibrium (e.g., relaxation behavior after excitation
by light). They belong to the most challenging tasks in theoretical physics, and their treatment
is very involved. In my group, the challenge is faced by
developing and applying sophisticated numerical methods, like the density matrix
renormalization group (DMRG), and related Matrix Product State
(MPS) techniques. These belong to the
broader class of tensor network approaches and are based on
quantum information theory. This allows for
the exploration of novel quantum states of matter and of their quantum information properties like the
quantum mechanical entanglement and its growth in the
course of time, and also the behavior following excitations,
e.g., by a quantum quench.
The motivation for my research is two-fold: on the
one hand, I am fascinated by fundamental
properties of quantum systems, and on the other hand, the
realization of new or unconventional states of
matter caused by interactions between the particles is an
intriguing direction of research. In particular in
nonequilibrium situations, both types of questions can be
addressed: the possibility arises to create interesting metastable states, which cannot be realized otherwise, but
also basic aspects of quantum and statistical
physics are directly addressed, like the relaxation behavior and the
subsequent emergence of quasistationary states. This is an important question motivating a lot of
research in these days investigating
thermalization and, so to speak, its counterpart, many-body
localization, in quantum many-body systems.
As reflected by my list of publications, these research directions are
addressed from the two possible sides:
I pursue purely theoretical studies considering basic aspects by
deriving and treating model systems, and I
also pursue investigations directly relating to ongoing experiments
with ultracold atomic and molecular
gases as well as in the context of novel materials (e.g. quantum
magnets) in direct collaboration with
experimental groups.