Protein-mediated membrane fusion


Selected publications:

  • E.M. Blokhuis, M. D'Agostino, A. Mayer, H.J. Risselada
    Fusion pores live on the edge
    J. Chem. Phys. Lett., 11(4):1204–1208, 2020

  • Y.G. Smirnova, H.J. Risselada, M. Müller
    Thermodynamically reversible paths of the first fusion intermediate reveal an important role for membrane anchors of fusion proteins
    PNAS 116(7): 2571-2576, 2019

  • M. D'Agostino, H. J. Risselada, A. Lürick, C. Ungermann, and A. Mayer
    A tethering complex drives the terminal stage of SNARE-dependent membrane fusion
    Nature, 551: 634-638, 2017

  • M. D'Agostino, H.J. Risselada, A. Mayer
    Steric hindrance of SNARE transmembrane domain organization impairs the hemifusion-to-fusion transition
    EMBO reports, 17(11):1590-1608, 2016

  • H.J. Risselada
    Simulations Move Toward a Cure for Viral Diseases
    Structure, 23(3):439-440, 2015

  • H.J. Risselada, Y. Smirnova, H. Grubmüller
    Free energy landscape of rim-pore expansion in membrane fusion
    Biophys. J., 107: 2287-2295, 2014

  • H.J. Risselada, G. Bubnis, H. Grubmüller
    Expansion of the fusion stalk and its implication for biological membrane fusion
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 111:11043-110487, 2014

Latteral organisation of membranes


Selected publications:

  • H.J. Risselada
    Membrane fusion stalks and 'lipid rafts': A love-hate Relationship
    Biophysical J. (Letter), 112(12): 2475-2478, 2017

  • D. Milovanovic, A. Honigmann,..., H.J. Risselada, ..., S.W. Hell, G. Van den Bogaart, R. Jahn
    Hydrophobic mismatch sorts SNARE proteins into distinct membrane domains
    Nature communications, 6:5984, 2015

  • T. Fischer, H.J. Risselada, R.L.C Vink
    Membrane lateral structure: The influence of immobilized particles on domain size
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14:14500-14508, 2012

  • G. Van den Bogaart, K. Meyenberg K, H.J. Risselada, H. Amin, K.I. Willig, B.E. Hubrich, M. Dier, S.W. Hell, H. Grubmüller, U. Diederichsen, R. Jahn
    Membrane protein sequestering by ionic protein-lipid Interactions
    Nature, 479:552-55, 2011

  • H.J. Risselada, S.J. Marrink, M. Müller
    Curvature-dependent elastic properties of liquid-ordered domains result in inverted domain sorting on uni-axially compressed vesicles
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 106: 148102, 2011

Soft (bio)materials @ solid surfaces


Selected publications:

  • L.A. Belyaeva, L. Jiang, A. Soleimani, J. Methorst, H.J. Risselada, G.F. Schneider
    Liquids relax and unify strain in graphene
    Nat. Comm. 11(898), 2020

  • A. Gladytz, B. Abel, H.J. Risselada
    Gold-Induced Fibril Growth:The Mechanism of Surface-Facilitated Amyloid Aggregation
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55:12242-46, 2016

Morphologies of (bioinspired) surfactant assemblies

  • Laura J. Endter, H.J. Risselada
    Where are those lipidic nano rings?
    J. Colloid Interface Sci., 587:789-796, 2020

  • Laura J. Endter, Y.G.Smirnova, H.J. Risselada
    Density Field Thermodynamic Integration (DFTI): A ’soft’ approach to calculate the free energy of surfactant self-assemblies
    J. Phys. Chem. B, 124(31):6775–6785, 2020